DiddyJohn’s two sons, who were taken from their Los Angeles home during a federal raid, returned to the property late at night – but left very quickly after that… with their things in tow.
Justin It is King Combs — who were seen on video in handcuffs as Homeland Security agents searched their father’s Beverly Hills estate — ended up arriving and eventually fleeing on Monday night… this after the feds took a good look around.
Once the raid was over and the streets were cleared… we were told that the house appeared relatively empty – but it wasn’t until Justin arrived at the property around 10:30pm PT that there was any movement… including what we were told it appeared to be him gathering boxes and/or luggage. Paparazzi outside recorded the action beyond the main gate.
We’re told Justin finally gathered his belongings and left — and that King arrived separately a few hours later… and he also showed up to gather his things and left.
There were other people in the mix as Justin and King came and went… but it wasn’t clear who they might be. Anyway, we were told that no one has returned to the property for now.
As we reported… Justin and King were directly involved in Monday’s raid in Los Angeles, with them being led away by federal agents and eventually handcuffed while Homeland Security swept the house and snooped around.
Sources with direct knowledge tell us that no one in Diddy’s family was arrested on Monday — and that goes for him, too. At this point, we are told that his movements are unrestricted.
Clearly, the Combs boys didn’t want to keep waiting for other surprises — so at this point, it looks like they’re meeting somewhere else… no word on where.