On the morning of 3 November 2023, a video went viral in which social media influencer Urfi Javed was arrested by the police. After the video surfaced, it spread rapidly on social media.
Only the video of Urfi’s arrest was discussed. The reason for this is that Urfi is shown in the video as though she has not committed any crime but is being arrested by the police because of her colorful clothes.
What is the truth of the video showing the arrest of Urfi Javed?
Actually, Urfi Javed has not been arrested by the police. Rather, this video has been made by the influencer himself. Urfi has made this video only for a prank on social media, but now it has become difficult for her to make such a joke.
Actually, Mumbai Police has not liked this step of Urfi Javed, so they have taken strict action against Urfi. Mumbai Police has informed about this on social media.
What action did Mumbai Police take against Urfi Javed?
Mumbai Police posted a post on social media about Urfi Javed saying that he cannot violate the laws of the country.
As shown in a viral video today, Mumbai Police has arrested a woman in an obscenity case, but this video is not true. Police uniform and symbols have been misused in the video.
A case has been registered against the people involved in the video under Section 171, 419, 500, 34 IPC for using the name of police and misleading people.
Further investigation is underway, the fake inspector has also been arrested. Vehicles have also been confiscated.
Can Urfi get punished?
Section 171 of the IPC deals with using any public service attire to commit fraud or forgery. Like the police outfit in the video. This could result in a jail term of up to three months or a fine.
The person committing the offense of cheating under section 419 of the IPC is punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, but may also include a fine.
According to Section 500 of the IPC, writing something against someone’s honor or commenting on social media can lead to a jail term of up to two years or a fine.
READ THIS: People were shocked after seeing Urfi Javed’s new outfit, pictures goes viral