Vijay Mallya’s son Siddharth Mallya proposed to his girlfriend Jasmine in a heart-touching way on Halloween. His fans and social media followers showered him with love and good wishes. On November 1, Siddharth Mallya posted some pictures of his engagement on Instagram, which he shared with everyone. In the first picture, he gets down on one knee and proposes to Jasmine, dressed in a witch’s costume. Jasmine with her engagement ring in the second picture with the happy couple.
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As soon as the pictures were published, her fans praised her a lot. He is also an actor and model. He has also worked in Bollywood. His father, Vijay Mallya, is the former chairman of UB Group, an Indian conglomerate that primarily trades alcoholic beverages.
See Instagram Post:
Siddharth spent his childhood in London and United Arab Emirates. He was born in Los Angeles, California. After studying at Wellington College and Queen Mary University of London, he went to the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.
Siddharth graduated from drama school and started becoming a model and actor. He has appeared in several films and television shows, including a sex comedy film Brahmin Naman. Apart from this, has worked as a marketing manager at Guinness and hosted an online video show.
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It is reported that Siddharth Mallya proposed his girlfriend at the Halloween party. The answer was clearly ‘yes’. The name of the girlfriend is said to be Jasmine. “Well, now it looks like you’re stuck with me for life,” she said in her Instagram post. I love you, Jasmine. Thanks for saying yes.”