After criticizing his girlfriend for her dream of doing stand-up comedy and being called a “fucking idiot”, a man turns to the internet to see if she’s right.
An unnamed man is looking for recommendations after he admitted to losing control and lashing out at his longtime girlfriend. “Am I a f–king asshole?” he asked the popular Reddit forum (“I am the asshole”).
This is how his girlfriend referred to him when he told her that she would “never be a famous comedian.” It was the result of a prolonged argument and a lot of resentment on his part. However, it left her in tears and staying with a friend.
So OP (aka “the lone poster”) shared his story online to see if he had gone too far and if his authentic argument had any merit. He wasn’t trying to be an FDA (ahem)… it just ended up that way.
Read on to find out exactly what led to this explosive moment.
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OP began by establishing that he, 31, and his girlfriend, 28, have been together for six years and living together for two. Throughout their relationship, she has been attending open mic nights and performing as a standup comedian. She also worked a full-time job in sales “where she made decent money.”
As for the OP, he mentioned that he has “a great but hard-working job and makes almost triple what my girlfriend made when she had hers.” He then shared that she quit her job in August “because it was taking away from her comedy endeavors.”
He went on to elucidate, “She told me that in a year she thinks she’ll actually make it. I used to be a little skeptical, but since I make enough to help us out, I encouraged her because I want to be a supportive boyfriend.” He added that she’s been picking up gigs at Uber and DoorDash to supplement, since her comedy “makes us zero dollars.”
Did I mention she’s 28 and it’s time to grow up and be part of the real world?
“Over the past few months, I’ve started to resent her. She continually complains about not having any money, yet she drives for Uber or DD possibly 3 times a week for possibly 4 hours at a time,” he wrote. “I’ve been paying a lot more for the family bills and I’m not saving as much as I’d like anymore.”
Additionally, he lamented that she “sleeps until noon” because of her late-night gigs, then “just scrolls through TikTok and YouTube for ‘inspiration.'” Additionally, the OP mentioned that she gets “really grumpy” if he doesn’t go to most of her open mics, regardless of him just getting off a 14-hour workday and it being the middle of the week.
“Last night, I did the unthinkable. I asked her to consider going back to a full-time job,” the OP wrote, referring to what brought him to Reddit in the first place. “I told her she should still do her comedy, but I’m struggling to pay our bills on my own.”
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“When she gave a dismissive response, I firmly instructed her that she would never be a famous comedian,” he continued. “I mentioned that she is 28 years old and that it is time for her to grow up and be part of the real world, because it is completely unfair to me that I am striving while she lives in fantasyland. And that she will not be able to be so naive at this age thinking that she will help herself with this.”
As expected, this didn’t go down remarkably well. “She stared at me in silence for a few minutes, started crying, and went to stay with a friend,” OP wrote. “She called me a f–king asshole and I’m the worst friend ever. She hasn’t answered her phone yet.”
So he needs to know if she is correct by asking: “AITA for telling my girlfriend she needs to get a real job and that she’ll never be a famous comedian?“
OP admitted that he rushed his story, promising to answer any and all questions within the feedback. So, true to his wording, he did just that. This is what he added to the story.
For one thing, he was immediately called out for yelling at her instead of trying to have a real conversation. OP countered by saying he tried to talk to her, but her girlfriend “didn’t take me seriously.” He argued, “I needed to have a conversation,” he argued. “I tried, but she gave me a dismissive response, like I was the one who was crazy for suggesting she go back to work. That’s what made me snap.”
He later detailed precisely what occurred, writing: “What she said verbatim was ‘I don’t want it’ in a cutesy voice like I should go find her. And ‘you said you were fantastic about it.’”
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At the same time, he acknowledged that he went too far in another comment saying that his “message was distorted as you completely blew up and demeaned her.” To this he responded: “Sigh. I know I lost my cool and mentioned some things I shouldn’t have.”
To another Redditor, he added: “I didn’t mean to sound so mean. It was frustration because I really can’t see her reasoning as to why what she’s doing is sustainable. Until it’s just because I pay the bills. Like, what if I quit my job at 31 to start going to the basketball court every day in hopes of signing as an undrafted free agent with an NBA team?”
He later admitted, “I can also be a hothead if I let issues pile up. I should have mentioned something months ago.” OP even mentioned that he apologized to his girlfriend, saying he “told her it was frustration because I feel like I’m pulling way more than my fair share.”
What she literally mentioned was ‘I don’t want it’ in a cute voice as if I should look for her beautiful
When asked if he even helped her achieve her goals, OP insisted, “I would like her to continue this… but not at the expense of a job.” He mentioned that he would even help Uber or DoorDash full-time. What he doesn’t like is that “at 28 years old she is doing an income-generating exercise for 12 hours a week maaybbeeee. That’s ridiculous.”
At the same time, he mentioned that when he sees her in a crowd of “like 30-50 comedians who need a chance,” she laughs, but he doesn’t “assume she’s inherently special.” OP later added extra context, noting, “I feel like she’s funny, but her material has been done a thousand times. It’s just ‘men are scary, Republicans are dumb, jokes about having anxiety,’ it’s all been done before.”
When asked about him supporting her for a year, OP mentioned that he never agreed to it, only that she mentioned “that she would see significant progress in a year.” Instead, it’s seen as “really zero future progress.” He’s not advocating for her to stop, but to continue as an interest.
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He then detailed what he says his girlfriend hopes will happen: “She thinks more open mics would result in one in three problems. She’ll either become a regular at these places and gain recognition (social media following) that way, she’ll be seen by someone with connections (our city isn’t a huge comedy or arts scene), or a more famous comedian will discover her and invite her to open for them.”
“I would like her to pursue her goals and I assume she is good-natured. However, I know the odds are against her due to the nature of the enterprise,” he wrote.
He also made it clear that this second one is a bit of an ultimatum, commenting, “Oh, I’m thinking if she refuses to move, we’re done. But then it’s my name on the condo, not hers, so I don’t know where she’s going to stay. I don’t know how she’s going to survive.”
When he was called out for enabling her and allowing her to “keep a child,” OP defended his girlfriend, writing, “I think it’s interesting how you mentioned that she’s allowed to remain a child. She was once a go-getter. A very hard-working employee and really responsible. Since this started, she’s started to remind me of a moody teenager who can’t take responsibility for anything.”
“Sure, she’s clearly not putting in her fair share of work and paychecks and her frustration at having to handle many of the bills while she pursues her comedy ventures is justified,” one Redditor wrote. “However, you’ve really lost steam heading to the top. While I realize you make some good points, this message was distorted as you blew up and completely demeaned her.”
However, another had OPs back, countering, “Your girlfriend probably wanted the name to rise. She lives in La La Land, and she or he is able to since you’re footing the bill.” In fact, several Redditors mentioned the girlfriend’s right to benefit from the OP.
“That’s the thing: Would she be this dedicated if she were single?” one asked. “Would she rent a single room, eating ramen, if it meant she could do her shows? Or is it only when she has you covering for her that she has to go to that? Because one thing tells me, if her reality was the single room rented and ramen, she would go back to work and see comedy as an interest.”
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Another individual attempted to add some context to their dream, writing: “If you don’t live in LA or NYC, she has about a 0.00001% chance of being able to help herself with comedy. If you live in NYC or LA, it might be as low as 0.001%.”
There was some dialogue about having a plan and being supportive, however, some Redditors didn’t see a plan with what the girlfriend has been doing. “There is NO plan. There is no build up. The girlfriend is just doing random things and hoping something will work,” argued one.
“If she really wants to pursue comedy as a career, she should set a time limit for how long she’ll keep doing it, and in between have intermediate goals to work towards progressing towards, not just random open mics on a day with no audience like Tuesdays,” agreed another.
Yet another provided much more context, based largely on friends in the comedy scene. “They don’t seem to be sleeping in until noon, scrolling through TikTok for inspiration,” they wrote. “They’re waking up, making TikToks, putting out content, securing bookings, and so on.”
They work hard and usually make a lot of money doing it.”
One thing tells me that if her reality was rented rooms and ramen, she would go back to work and see comedy as an interest.
Others emphasized that possibly taking a job would actually help her comedy. “Working a day job, she might be getting more ‘inspiration’ for comedy than watching TikTok,” while another argued that comedy comes from suffering, so possibly restaurant work is just the answer to solve every problem.
One quoted Leslie Jones, who mentioned in her memoir that she doesn’t believe in ‘hunger artists.’ The commenter wrote, “She says you HAVE to work to help yourself if you’re trying to become an artist, and she worked many, many odd jobs until she made it, even during the times she lived with a partner.”
“The fact is, people are flawed,” one Redditor commented. “So your anger has boiled over and you’ve also brought up some tough questions. If she needs to be a comedian, she might as well work a full-time job and make her dream a side gig. Similar to what she should do if she needs to pay her own bills as a big woman.”
What do you think?