Wedding season has arrived in films. Celebs are seen getting married one after the other. Recently Neha Bagga, Ali Merchant and Amala Paul had chosen their life partners, now Bollywood actor and Rati Agnihotri’s son Tanuj Virwani surprised everyone by sharing his engagement photo. Yes, the actress has married her first girlfriend.
Tanuj Virwani got engaged
Purani Jeans actor Tanuj Virwani got secretly engaged to his girlfriend Tanya Jacob. The star has given an opportunity to give happiness to his fans by posting photos on his Instagram. In the photo, both of them are seen getting cozy with each other. While sharing these pictures, Tanuj has also written his feelings: There is neither a journey nor a destination. It is between two persons. Welcome to the @tanyajacob1 family; I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Tanuj and Tanya’s look
The actor wore a blue check suit on the occasion of his engagement. Tanya, his future wife, is seen in a pink gown. Tanya is also seen flaunting her engagement ring in a similar manner. Rati Agnihotri, the actress, wrote in the comment of this photo, “Thank you very much to all of you for blessing Tanuj and Tanya.” It is always wonderful to receive love from lovely people.